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David G. Mugar Statue


Music Oval on the Charles River Esplanade – Boston, MA



David G. Mugar (1939-2022) co-founded the renowned Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular that has been performed annually on the 4th of July since 1973. He personally funded the event and also donated to many Massachusetts organizations over the years. After Mr. Mugar’s passing, his company and family desired to commemorate his generosity in the park where the Spectacular is held – on the Charles River Esplanade. The monument is an 8-foot-tall bronze statue of Mr. Mugar standing atop a granite base. Beside the statue is a podium-like piece of granite with a bronze plaque that describes Mr. Mugar’s contributions to the Spectacular and his community. As Robert learned about Mr. Mugar during the sculpture creation process, he felt that he became spiritually connected to him; he hoped he could emulate Mr. Mugar in terms of his generosity and kindness.

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